Intermedia research programs


Research programs

The University seeks to encourage and support research within the Intermedia institution. The Media Research Centre, part of the Intermedia Institute, will enable fields of research, hitherto not demarcated, to be distinguished, and hopefully to be pursued in their own facilities. Developing and formalizing cooperation with the C3 Foundation may well contribute to this end. Theoretical and historical research requires archives, on- and off-line databases. Publishing results is beneficial for the instruction as well: this can take the form of developing what are already existing forums, the Programme's website ( ) and printed publications.

To date, research at the Programme had been classified into three groups: the artistic use and development of new technologies ; the employment of findings in instruction and their public presentation; and the theoretical and historical background of media art. Development will be in the following directions:

Initiating and carrying out experimental art projects (incl. background research), and archiving the achievements of experimental art

Research in the history and theory of media

Developing hardware and software, experimental applications and installations

On- and off-line publishing of specialist literature

Producing works of experimental (intermedia) art



Media Research Centre

This is the first new unit to be set up with the Institute itself, for the purposes of artistic research – for which end it is to utilise its precedents and connections – and the development of the new mode of instruction ( 3+2 years of instruction, specialized further training, DLA/PhD programme ) and the curriculum. It will organize independent research projects, which thanks to their interdisciplinary nature, will provide good starting points for the creation of the new forms of instruction and the new units of the organization.



Research projects planned and to be continued

Media art and history

The functions of the digital media, interactive multimedia and virtual reality in art and education. (Continuing a research programme started in 1997 with a grant from the National Science Research Fund, now funded by the University and C3 Foundation. )

Media Archaeology. The prehistory of technological media

The invention and spread of photography, film, video, and the new communication technologies pressed their mark on all aspects of life, the visual arts being no exception. Producing images is no longer the prerogative of professionals, and technological images have become unignorable for even those who have had nothing to do with images. The rapidity of the paradigm shift in the history of images was not matched by the pace at which the new techniques of reception spread, and the understanding of the new viewing habits fell behind the swiftness with which they acquired currency. Reconstructing the way to the present is thus one of the most important clues to finding our bearings in the apparently chaotic contemporary visual world, this labyrinth of communication. Media archaeology can plant the signposts for this reconstruction by re-examining inventions, traditions, objects, customs and events that were once deemed dead-ends, unworthy of recording.

Image and motion

The history and new potentials of experimental motion picture (A plan for research and archiving) – A joint programme of C3 and Intermedia

The first phase involves the analysis of an extended register of films (at present available until 1992), and a register of video works, kept up by C3 since 1998

Collecting early computer animations


Interactive technologies ( Dynamic images , nonlinear editing, flash , new animation technologies, VR, 3D – future cinema )

Independent workshops


New devices, new interfaces – new research techniques

Analysing information and phenomena : visualization, vocalization and translation, modelling and simulation, AI and learning systems

Information management : data bases , browsers , displays , presentation devices ( speakers, printers , projectors , etc. )

Process automation : plotters, composition and editing tools, FX generators

Connecting to the world: sensors, input devices ( microphones , scanners , cameras , digital cameras ), robots , human interfaces , interactive systems – augmented reality

Communication : telephone , television , radio , Internet – from wireless to broadband


Art as research

“Art as science – science as art” database

The dimension of experiment – a potential subchapter (“Discovering and representing new questions and information”) within the field “Producing knowledge.”

International examples : Georg Winter - Forschugsgruppe


Research projects under preparation

Digital media: forms of interpretation
The scientific use of images
Perception: vision, motion
Image theory
Visual culture
Medium analysis: from central broadcasting to interactive television
The Hungarian avant-garde from the 1960's till the 1980's
Connections between the various fields of art: the graphic arts and motion picture, the graphic arts and literature